On 03/26/2013 06:30 AM, kidom...@gmail.com wrote:
I am supposed to complete the following five functions, i have no idea how to
do this. I will greatly appreciate any help
The following five functions allow you to maintain the running balance of an
account and print out lines relating to each transaction.
You'll also need a global variable (balance?) to maintain the running balance
of the account.
1. def setBalance(amt): # Defines (but doesn't print) the value of the account
2. def printBalance(): # Displays current balance as a money value with a
3. def printLedgerLine(date, amount, details): # with items (and the balance)
spaced and formatted
4. def deposit (date, details, amount): # Alter the balance and print ledger
5. def withdraw(date, details, amount): # Alter the balance and print ledger
Your task is to:
complete the five (very short) functions by creating the code for the body of
each function, and
demonstrate that you code works by calling the functions, as is demonstrated
So when these functions are called
withdraw("17-12-2012", "BP - petrol", 72.50)
withdraw("19-12-2012", "Countdown", 55.50)
withdraw("20-12-2012", "munchies", 1.99)
withdraw("22-12-2012", "Vodafone", 20)
deposit ("23-12-2012", "Income", 225)
withdraw("24-12-2012", "Presents", 99.02)
The output is something like this:
Current Balance is $ 500.00
17-12-2012 BP - petrol $ 72.50 $ 427.50
19-12-2012 Countdown $ 55.50 $ 372.00
20-12-2012 munchies $ 1.99 $ 370.01
22-12-2012 Vodafone $ 20.00 $ 350.01
23-12-2012 Income $ 225.00 $ 575.01
24-12-2012 Presents $ 99.02 $ 475.99
Current Balance is $ 475.99
So far i got:
def setBalance(amount):
global balance
assert isinstance(amount,numbers.number)
balance = euros
Im not sure whats wrong, i only started programming a week ago, im so lost,
please help me with this assignment
I'm not sure how literally to take your proposal. You have no
indentation in the function body, so that's one serious problem. And
you're apparently calling printNow() from within that function, which is
NOT what was called for. And the function takes "amount" as its
parameter, but then uses 'euros' in the body. That's a big spelling error.
You're also going to need to import numbers, if you want that isinstance
to work.
The layout of your code should be something like:
shebang line (optional)
global variables
testing code (supplied by instructor)
Write all the functions, making sure each takes the expected parameters,
even if the function does nothing more than print its name and
parameters. Then when the code runs, refine the function bodies till
they're all correct.