> I may > try to convince the boss that I can write dos programs for the existing > machine. If we get any kind of upgrade, I'm sure it will be able to run > linux with X and a low overhead window manager. If that happened, I'd > be able to use python and this "tk" thing you have talked about and > make something that will work for him, am I correct? The other > alternative is to install console mode linux on it and hope that the > ncurses library can be used by python.
1. Python/Tkinter runs perfectly well on Win. don't need Linux. In fact, easier to install on Win32 than Linux. 2. The hardware you describe would actually get much better performance from Linux than Win, if you are confident in going to Linux. 3. Python/Tkinter OR Visual Basic may perform a little doggy but not too bad -- The main thing is memory. 128mb works fine for moderm Linux or Win32 but not really fast. 4. I'm not aware of Python ncurses. Doesn't sound like fun. I mean 2 hours of your pay buys 256MB memory. Unless you are free, even then.... -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list