On Mar 21, 12:40 am, jmfauth <wxjmfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ----
> Courageous people can try to do something with the unicode
> collation algorithm (see unicode.org). Some time ago, for the fun,
> I wrote something (not perfect) with a reduced keys table (see
> unicode.org), only a keys subset for some scripts hold in memory.
> It works with Py32 and Py33. In an attempt to just see the
> performance and how it "can react", I did an horrible mistake,
> I forgot Py33 is now optimized for ascii user, it is no more
> unicode compliant and I stupidely tested/sorted lists of French
> words...

Now lets take this piece by piece…
"I did an horrible mistake" : I am sorry. Did you get bruised? Break
some bones? And is 'h' a vowel in french?
"I forgot Py33 is now optimized for ascii user"  Ok.
"it is no more unicode compliant" I asked earlier and I ask again --
What do you mean by (non)compliant?

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