On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 9:36:28 PM UTC-5, maiden129 wrote:

> So should I redo my other code that I created with
> the radioButtons to change the colors of a text?

I believe so. Although you really should explain what your trying to achieve 
with this code. There is nothing wrong with wrapping some widgets into a single 
reusable class, however, your examples look more like more "using a hammer to 
drive screws".

For instance, you have two classes named "button" and "word" (psst: those 
identifiers should start with a capitol letter BTW!) which are basically two 
independent Tkinter root windows (even though they don't inherit from 

"Tkinter.Tk" is meant to be used as the first window, from there you can add as 
many sub-frames, sub-widgets, or even sub-windows (instances of 
Tkinter.Toplevel) as you want. 

If you want more than one window, for your GUI application, then instance as 
many "Tkinter.Toplevel" windows as you like AFTER you create the ONE AND ONLY 
Tkinter.Tk window.

If however you want to "group" a number of widgets inside a single window, then 
use the "Tkinter.Frame" to hold them.

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