On Monday, March 18, 2013 2:39:57 PM UTC-4, Lele Gaifax wrote:
> "Yves S. Garret" <yo....@gmail.com> writes:
> > I have.  This is what I did and the result that I'm seeing.
> >
> > $ sudo apt-get install python3-tk
> You installed a "custom" python 3.3, didn't you? So it does not help
> installing Ubuntu's python3-tk: your python3.3 interpreter won't even
> look into "system" packages.
> Most probably, you need to install the proper development libraries and
> *recompile* the Python 3.3 interpreter:
> # apt-get install tk-dev
> ciao, lele.
> -- 
> nickname: Lele Gaifax | Quando vivrò di quello che ho pensato ieri
> real: Emanuele Gaifas | comincerò ad aver paura di chi mi copia.
> l...@metapensiero.it  |                 -- Fortunato Depero, 1929.

Ok, it now seems to work.  Weird.  I had tk-dev installed (it seems) and then 
after I re-compiled my interpreter just now, it's working.

Thanks for your help.

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