On Friday, March 15, 2013 7:00:15 AM UTC-5, olsr....@gmail.com wrote:
> i maybe don't talk english very well but at least i am not
> a Rude,and you are not obligated to answering  me much
> less  Mocking  me ,i assure  you that  i will not post
> anything anymore jackass
> thank you  alex23

Well *WELL*. What happened? Your English is so articulate now. Hmm, maybe you 
can only write clearly when you are angry, OR, maybe you ordered "Rosetta 
Stone" (you know, the cheesy language learning product from those late night TV 
infomercials, the one where users (oops i meant actors) of the product offer 
intelligent testimonials like this:

 Man: "...it was purdy guud!"
 Woman: "If you can click a mouse, then, your pretty set!"

*FACEPALM*: Evolution has forsaken us all!

However, i will place all my money on the fact that you are nothing more than 
an "agent provocateur" ...(psst: you should understand that word because it is 
French!)... hell bent on an insidious mission of reverse trolling; which is 
evident by your inability to distinguish "emotional troll posts" from "logical 
and informative replies" (whether acerbic or not). I'll allow the intelligent 
folks among us to come to their own conclusions as to your *real* intentions.

However, if you are in-fact "real" (and i use that term quite loosely), then 
you sir are a fine example of what is wrong with people today. In any event, i 
wish you good luck with your "learning adventures".

PS: If you don't like my replies then you need to exercise your freedom by 
ignoring them. You have a right to be offended, and i have a right not to give 


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