"Christopher Subich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Bob Greschke wrote:
>> Does Text.delete(0.0, END) delete all of the tags too?  Everything says 
>> it does not delete marks, but nothing about tags.
> Note to everyone else: this is a TKinter question.

Oops.  I meant to put that in the subject.

> Tags are attached to text ranges, in the Text widget.  If you delete all 
> of the text in the widget, all of the text ranges will go poof, so 
> therefore all of the tag attachments will likewise go poof.

That's what I thought, and that was what it looked like was happening (but 
just because you can't find something doesn't mean it hasn't been taken to 
the garbage :)

> This will not delete any tags that have been defined for the widget, 
> though, although why you'd want to do that is an open question.

We have all kinds. :)

Thanks, Christopher!


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