A friendly reminder that this forum is for general discussion and questions about Python.
"Pretty much anything Python-related is fair game for discussion, and the group is even fairly tolerant of off-topic digressions; there have been entertaining discussions of topics such as floating point, good software design, and other programming languages such as Lisp and Forth." But ... "Rudeness and personal attacks, even in reaction to blatant flamebait, are strongly frowned upon. People may strongly disagree on an issue, but usually discussion remains civil. In case of an actual flamebait posting, you can ignore it, quietly plonk the offending poster in your killfile or mail filters, or write a sharp but still-polite response, but at all costs resist the urge to flame back." http://www.python.org/community/lists/ It's up to all of us to help keep this group/list a place where people enjoy participating, without fear of gratuitous personal sniping. Thanks! -- Ned Deily, n...@acm.org -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list