On 3/7/2013 5:10 AM, Dave Angel wrote:
> On 03/07/2013 01:33 AM, John Nagle wrote:

>> "infdraw" is a stream from the zip module, create like this:
>>      with inzip.open(zipelt.filename,"r") as infd :
> You probably need a 'rb' rather than 'r', since the file is not ASCII.
>>          self.dofilecsv(infile, infd)
>> This works for data records that are pure ASCII, but as soon as some
>> non-ASCII character comes through, it fails.

   No, the ZIP module gives you back the bytes you
put in.  "rb" is not accepted there:

  File "InfoCompaniesHouse.py", line 197, in dofilezip
    with inzip.open(zipelt.filename,"rb") as infd :            # do this
  File "C:\python27\lib\zipfile.py", line 872, in open
    raise RuntimeError, 'open() requires mode "r", "U", or "rU"'
RuntimeError: open() requires mode "r", "U", or "rU"

   "b" for files is about end of line handling (CR LF -> LF), anyway.

                                        John Nagle

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