On Mar 7, 12:57 pm, Rick Johnson <rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com> wrote: > GvR DOES NOT need to mention my name. All i am asking is that he show > some support for the general *idea* of "lowering the bar for bug/grievance > reporting". Or at least start by admitting we have a problem.
Your obsession with Guido is tiring. Open source is not a cult of personality. It's about doing what you can where you can when you can to make things better. Insisting that he "endorse" your ideas is ridiculous. > Secondly: The "report bugs" feature of the doc is more concerned with > "doc related" bugs. It would really help your arguments if you actually spent some time investigating the issues you're ranting against: http://docs.python.org/3/bugs.html Documentation bugs are a brief paragraph at the top of the page, the rest of which addresses bugs with the language & standard library. > I want a holistic approach that will invite ALL Python related issues (docs, > language, community, modules, 3rd party modules, etc...) to follow a linear > path. Third party modules will never be handled by the Python bug tracker, nor should they be lumped into the same "path"; they're the concern of their developers who shouldn't be bound by your desire for a One True Way. Community "bugs" should be addressed on the python list. > My point is that we You keep saying "we" when you mean other people apart from yourself. If you have ideas for improvement, _then implement them_. The crate.io guys didn't wait for community validation to address what they perceived were issues with PyPI, they rolled up their sleeves and did something about it. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list