It seems like that any logger I create BEFORE calling logging.config.dictConfig does not get configured.
Meanwhile, if I configure the logger like I always have, by just setting handlers on root, everything works fine, including the loggers that were created BEFORE I configure logging. I make a lot of module-level log instances. I wrote a simple script to show my problem. Run it like: $ python code and then $ python dict and see how the logging output is different. ### SCRIPT START """ import argparse import logging import logging.config log1 = logging.getLogger('scratch') def configure_logging_with_dictConfig(): d = { 'formatters': { 'consolefmt': { 'format': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-10s %(process)-6d %(name)-24s %(lineno)-4d %(message)s'}}, 'handlers': { 'console': { 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'consolefmt', 'level': 'DEBUG'}}, 'root': { 'handlers': ['console'], 'level': 'DEBUG'}, 'version': 1} logging.config.dictConfig(d) def configure_logging_with_code(): # Set the logger to DEBUG. logging.root.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Now write a custom formatter, so that we get all those different # things. f = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s ' '%(levelname)-10s ' '%(process)-6d ' '%(filename)-24s ' '%(lineno)-4d ' '%(message)s ' ) # Set up a stream handler for DEBUG stuff (and greater). sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) sh.setFormatter(f) logging.root.addHandler(sh) def set_up_arguments(): ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('how_to_configure', choices=['code', 'dict']) return ap.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': args = set_up_arguments() if args.how_to_configure == 'code': configure_logging_with_code() elif args.how_to_configure == 'dict': configure_logging_with_dictConfig() log1.debug('debug from log1') # log2 is created AFTER I configure logging. log2 = logging.getLogger('log2') log2.debug('debug from log2') # Try to figure out what is the difference! Nothing jumps out at me. print "log.root.level: {0}".format(log1.root.level) print "log.root.handlers: {0}".format(log1.root.handlers) print "log1.parent.level: {0}".format(log1.parent.level) print "log1.parent.handlers: {0}".format(log1.parent.handlers) print "log1.level: {0}".format(log1.level) print "log1.handlers: {0}".format(log1.handlers) print "log1.propagate: {0}".format(log1.propagate) print "log1.getEffectiveLevel(): {0}".format(log1.getEffectiveLevel()) ### SCRIPT END -- W. Matthew Wilson