Clarifications: 1) Truth test simplified after a %) by Peter Otten - thanks. In reality the "testit" methods will all be quite different as you might imagine (as will the "doit" methods).
2) A final subclass will always return True, so there will always be a valid result. ==================== Following is a simple trial structure of a refactoring (top-down to OO) learning exercise I'm doing. Whether you call it a Factory pattern, COR pattern, or some hinze 57, I don't know what class to use till run time and I'm trying to avoid a lengthy "if" sequence, the test sequence is important, and to avoid code duplication I'll be using code objects in the "doit" methods. You've already given me many good ideas in previous threads and this is where it got you :~) This works, but would you please tell me: 1) What you don't like about the approach and/or how it might be improved 2) The implications of using this in a recursive approach (referenced from but outside the recursive function) 3) Any other comments you might offer Thank you, Lee C =========== ============ class MF(object): @staticmethod def findit(t): for it in MF.__subclasses__(): if it.testit(t): return it().doit class A(MF): @staticmethod def testit(tv): return (tv == 'relates to A') def doit(self): print '# did A #' class B(MF): @staticmethod def testit(tv): return (tv == 'relates to B') def doit(self): print '# did B #' mydoit = MF.findit('relates to B') mydoit() mydoit = MF.findit('relates to A') mydoit() ======== Test run ============== Python 2.4.1 (#2, Mar 31 2005, 00:05:10) [GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666)] Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import ootest # did B # # did A # >>> --