On Friday, March 1, 2013 8:59:12 PM UTC, leonardo selmi wrote:
> hi
> is there anyone can suggest me a good book to learn python? i read many but 
> there is always something unclear or examples which give me errors.
> how can I start building a sound educational background
> thanks for any help 
> best regards

If you have net access and are learning your first programming language, I'd 
say head on over to one of the free web python courses that include an online 
interpreter. It sorts out a great deal of the 'incompatible version' problems 
people have with offline tutorials. I'm not sure what the policy is in regards 
linking to one so I'll just say Google one.  

Once you've found your feet, I do hear good things about 'learn python the hard 
way' but I've not read it myself. 

Generally once you've covered the foundations and understand the terms, 
Python.org's docs are very good.

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