"Jean-Michel Pichavant" <jeanmic...@sequans.com> wrote in message news:mailman.2567.1361905815.2939.python-l...@python.org...

----- Original Message -----
Hi guys,

Question. Have this code

intX = 32                          # decl + init int var
intX_asString = None               # decl + init with NULL string var

intX_asString = intX.__str__ ()    # convert int to string

What are these ugly underscores for?


I can't wait for the

intX_asString_asBool = intX_asString.__bool__()

if (intX_asString_asBool == True):
 # do something



As serious a character as I am, I had good laughs at this. Don't you all like my questions for all the exitainment they offer?

The "__str__" issue was a genuine question. I'm glad to find there is also a __bool_ () method, shall I need it. :-) Please note, this is not how I write my code. I'm not that bad a programmer, it's just Python which is so different that I am doing what I need to help clarify things and help me out.

I don't find this post offensive, even though JM is deliberately making fun of me. But to his credit, it is funny indeed. Let's laugh 2gether!

This reminds me, when I first started working with databases and saw an error msg which said that my query had "ambiguous columns" I laughed for 1/2 hr. I found it incredibly exitaining that a 100% deterministic piece of hardware could have the word "ambiguous" in its internal dictionary.



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