They did it with Gush: (I think)

It's a py program that embeds Flash.... very nice.


On 27 Jun 2005 15:11:11 -0700, Grooooops <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Flash and Python could be a VERY powerful pair of tools for building
> quick apps, Yet I don't see much on the web about it.
> I was excited to see that it is possible to make them play together
> here:
> Unfortunately, these folks seem to have gotten stuck on compiling the
> py files to exe, and since I don't see reference to it anywhere else, I
> was wondering if anyone here knew why it didn't work, or if anyone had
> ideas about how to make it work.
> Normally I would put some test code here, but I'm way out of my league.
> Just insanely curious...
> Any thoughts???
> Thanks,
> -J
> --

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