On 2013-02-22 22:53, James Harris wrote:
On Feb 22, 6:40 pm, Zachary Ware <zachary.ware+pyl...@gmail.com>
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Walter Hurry <walterhu...@lavabit.com> wrote:
> I use FreeBSD or Linux, but my son is learning Python and is using
> Windows.
> My question is this: Would it be good practice for him to put #!/usr/bin/
> env python at the top of his scripts, so that if made executable on *nix
> they will be OK? As I understand it this will have no effect on Windows
> itself.
Adding the shebang line on Windows would be excellent practice.
A word of warning unless this has since been resolved: Whenever I have
tried adding the shebang line on Windows and running it on Unix the
latter has complained about the carriage return at the end of the
line. This means that Unix does not work when invoked as follows.
(And, yes, the file has had chmod +x applied.)
It is, of course, OK when run as
python program.py
but that removes some of the benefit of the shebang line.
Just use Unix line endings. Python will accept them, and any decent editor
on Windows will accept them. (Notepad doesn't.)