Hi anonymous,

your code is working perfectly right. It's just that the only time that
you find anything matching //div[@class="col f-cb"] is this one:

<div class="col f-cb">
    <div class="name s-fc3 f-fl">名称</div>
    <div class="down s-fc3 f-fl">视频下载</div>
    <div class="desc s-fc3 f-fl">课程简介</div>

And obviously, there's no <a> in there, so the xpath won't match.



On 02/22/2013 02:24 AM, python wrote:
> I am having issues with the urllib and lxml.html modules.
> Here is my original code:
> import urllib  
> import lxml.html  
> down='http://v.163.com/special/visualizingdata/'  
> file=urllib.urlopen(down).read()  
> root=lxml.html.document_fromstring(file)
> xpath_str="//div[@class='down s-fc3 f-fl']/a"  
> urllist=root.xpath(xpath_str)for url in urllist:print url.get("href")
> When run, it returns this output:
> http://mov.bn.netease.com/movieMP4/2012/12/A/7/S8H1TH9A7.mp4  
> http://mov.bn.netease.com/movieMP4/2012/12/D/9/S8H1ULCD9.mp4  
> http://mov.bn.netease.com/movieMP4/2012/12/4/P/S8H1UUH4P.mp4  
> http://mov.bn.netease.com/movieMP4/2012/12/B/V/S8H1V8RBV.mp4  
> http://mov.bn.netease.com/movieMP4/2012/12/6/E/S8H1VIF6E.mp4  
> http://mov.bn.netease.com/movieMP4/2012/12/B/G/S8H1VQ2BG.mp4  
> But, when I change the line
> xpath_str='//div[@class="down s-fc3 f-fl"]//a'
> into
> xpath_str='//div[@class="col f-cb"]//div[@class="down s-fc3 f-fl"]//a'
> that is to say,
> urllist=root.xpath('//div[@class="col f-cb"]//div[@class="down s-fc3 
> f-fl"]//a')
> I do not receive any output. What is the flaw in this code?
> it is so strange that the shorter one can work,the longer one can not,they 
> have the same xpath structure!

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