----- Phil <phil_...@bigpond.com> [2013-02-17 17:47:15 +1000] ----- :

> Thank you for reading this.
> My adventures with Python have just begun and during the few weeks I
> have tried many IDEs. The following piece of code fails under all
> IDEs, and the interpreter, except under the Wing IDE.
> Why would this code work under the Wing IDE and nowhere else? Could
> there be a different calendar module included with Wing?
> import calendar
> cal = calendar.prcal(2013)
> print cal
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "calendar.py", line 1, in <module>
>     import calendar
>   File "/home/phil/calendar.py", line 3, in <module>

There is your problem.

Parsedatetime is a good calendar module. I've been using it recently for
an email related script.

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