On 02/13/2013 09:38 PM, Rex Macey wrote:
I am sure I have python installed. I have been running it. in command line the window title is 
c:\python33\python.exe.  The first line begins Python 3.3.0. Later in the line is the string 
"64 bit <AMD64>] on Win32".

Thus it appears I am trying to run a 32bit numpy with a 64bit python.  (Seems 
like a big ole 64 bit python should be able to swallow a little 32 bitty 
numpy). Is there a 64bit numpy? If not why not? Can someone get on this? 
Seriously, I'm under the impression that I need the 64 bit python because I 
have a 64 bit OS.

I can't answer the Numpy aspects, but I can tell you about 32bit versus 64bit.

A 32 bit OS can only handle 32 bit applications. It's conceivable to build a 32bit OS that will load and run 64bit apps, but it's probably impractical, and I don't know of anybody who has tried.

A 64bit OS can and does load both 32bit apps and 64bit apps. But once it has loaded the app, the entire process has to be of the same "bittedness". For Windows, that means any DLL's loaded from a 64bit process have to be 64bit, and any DLL's loaded from a 32bit process must be 32bit.

A python library may consist entirely of Python code, in which case it would work for either 32bit or 64bit Python installation. But if the library includes DLL's (which Numpy certainly would) then there have to be separate versions of those DLL's.

Now, that library installation package may decide to include both sets of DLL's, and just install the appropriate ones at installation time. But that choice is entirely up to the library author.


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