Well, an alternative /could/ be: from urlparse import urlparse
parts = urlparse('http://alongnameofasite1234567.com/q?sports=run&a=1&b=1') print '%s%s_%s' % (parts.netloc.replace('.', '_'), parts.path.replace('/', '_'), parts.query.replace('&', '_').replace('=', '_') ) Although with the result of: alongnameofasite1234567_com_q_sports_run_a_1_b_1 1288 function calls in 0.004 seconds Compared to regex method: 498 function calls (480 primitive calls) in 0.000 seconds I'd prefer the regex method myself. Demian Brecht http://demianbrecht.github.com On 2013-02-06 1:41 PM, "rh" <richard_hubb...@lavabit.com> wrote: >http://alongnameofasite1234567.com/q?sports=run&a=1&b=1 -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list