rh <richard_hubb...@lavabit.com> writes:

> I installed python from tarball and I wonder if I did something wrong.
> pydoc pydoc works fine but there's no pydoc python.

What would you expect ‘pydoc python’ to show? The word “python” is not a
keyword, is not a built-in identifier, is not a standard library module.

> There is a man page for python. Maybe there is no python doc for
> pydoc?

There is a man page for the command ‘python’ because it's a command that
can be invoked from the operating system shell. Python's documentation
(accessed with the ‘pydoc’ command) is not the place to document that.

 \        “My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. |
  `\               Unless there are three other people.” —Orson Welles |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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