On 01/24/2013 04:51 PM, John Gordon wrote:
In <ccf57220-4367-4611-b91b-5bf2a51e3...@googlegroups.com> Sharwan Joram
<sharwan.jo...@gmail.com> writes:
use vim.
He said he wanted autocomplete. Does Vim have that?
Vim has everything, you just need a bunch of plugins.
I code mainly in python and django, and I use these plugins (among others):
powerline (status bar indicating git branch, etc..)
syntastic (support for pep8, flake8, pyflakes, etc..)
ctrlp (fuzzy search for filenames)
jedi (*awesome* python smart autocompletion)
tagbar (support for ctags, tags in a side window, jump around, etc)
fugitive (git with vim commands, very useful)
nerdcommenter (smart comment management)
nerdtree (filesystem management, tree of files, etc)
snipmate (snippets and autoexpanding of boilerplates)
gundo (undo management - vim has a smarter-than-others undo system)
supertab (autocomplete everything with TAB, smartly depending on
language and context).
Is this enough? :-)
I can continue, but I think that, just to start, is enough. Vim wins.