On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Tobias M. <t...@tobix.eu> wrote:

>  Hi,
> do a "print sp" after the split and you might see that the strings don't
> look as you expected. There might be leading or trailing whitespaces in the
> splitted strings and in sp[10] there probably is a line break "\n" at the
> end.
> To remove those unwanted characters you could use the strip() function.
> So your code could be:
> if sp[9].strip() == sp[10].strip():
>     print "Same class"
> else:
>     print "Different class"
> At least this works for me when I tried it...
> Am 24.01.2013 11:37, schrieb inshu chauhan:
>   Here I have a code which basically reads a csv file, tries to compare
> the last 2 items in each line of the file.
> f = open(r"Z:\modules\Feature_Vectors_300_Pclass.arff")
> for l in f:
>     sp = l.split(",")
>     if len(sp) != 11:
>         print >> of, l,
>     else:
>         #print sp[9], sp[10]
>         if sp[9] == sp[10]:
>             print " Same class"
>         else :
>             print "Different class"
> f.close()
>  For me I think the programme is logically correct, but its giving me
> results which are strange.
>  It is  Printing " Different Class"  even when sp[9] is equal to sp[10]
> and "Same class" when sp[9] is not equal to sp[10].  and sp[9] and sp[10]
> are simple integers like 3, 3, 4 ,4.
>  I have a little understanding why the programme is behaving like this ?
>  Yeah I tried printing, there were trailing white spaces, so i used
> strip() and IT Worked !!! :)
Thank you

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