
Kevin Holleran wrote:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "testing.py", line 1, in <module>

    from Sub_Dir.My_Class import *

ImportError: No module named Sub_Dir.My_Class

Make sure, the script you execute by passing it to the python
interpreter is in the parent directory of Sub_Dir.
Additionaly put an empty file called __init__.py (double underscores!)
in Sub_Dir if you don't already have.  This is necessary to use Sub_Dir
as a package and import modules from it.

For more details see:

I have played around a bit with the calls (removing the My_Class in
the q_api assignment to instantiate the object, etc).

When using "from...import" on the module that contains the class, you
can use the class without the package identifier:
q_api = My_Class_Connector(string1,string2)

For your information: I think beginner questions like this one should be
asked on the tutor list:


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