> No need, to turn the number back to a path anymore, just the path to a 
> number, to identify the specific .html page
> Can this be done?

Guaranteed to be unique?  Not even remotely possible.  Even with a lookup table 
approach (which defeats your purpose of not storing the path) with 4 digits 
you're looking at a maximum 10000 unique file paths before your system 
duplicates numbers.  And that's the best-case scenario.  Anything else would be 

Not guaranteed to be unique?  Easy.  Just take then previously given example of 
pin = int( htmlpage.encode("hex"), 16 ) and mod it to your limit, to make:
pin = int( htmlpage.encode("hex"), 16 ) % 10000
It'll give you your number, but there are no guarantees of uniqueness.  You're 
looking at more blind random luck using that.

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