Hi all,

I'm experiencing problems with a regular expression and I can't figure 
out which words I use when googling. I read the python documentation for 
the re module multiple times now but still no idea what I'm doing wrong.

What I want to do:
- Extract all digits (\d) in a string.
- Digits are separated by space (\w)

What my program does:
- It extracts only the last digit.

Here is my program:
import re
line = ' 1      2       3'
regex = '^' + '(?:\s+(\d))*' + '$'
match = re.match(regex, line)
print "lastindex is: ",match.lastindex
print "matches: ",match.group(1)

Obviously I do not understand how (?:\s+(\d))* works in conjunction with 
  ^ and $.

Does anybody know how to transform this regex to get the result I want 
to have?


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