SimpleAI is an easy to use lib implementing in python many of the artificial 
intelligence algorithms described on the book "Artificial Intelligence, a 
Modern Approach", from Stuart Russel and Peter Norvig.
This implementation takes some of the ideas from the Norvig's implementation 
(the aima-python lib), but it's made with a more "pythonic" approach, and more 
emphasis on creating a stable, modern, and maintainable version. We are testing 
the majority of the lib, it's available via pip install, has a standard 
repository and lib architecture, well documented, respects the python pep8 
guidelines, provides only working code (no placeholders for future things), 
etc. Even the internal code is written with readability in mind, not only the 
external API.
This new release adds a few statistical classification methods to SimpleAI with
the intention of start replicating the machine learning aspects of aima-python, 
also includes lots of tests for the classifiers, documentation, and a few 
sample uses of the classifiers.
twitter: @machinalis

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