Mohit Khanna <> writes:

> I am trying the following code--
> from rpy import *
> r.library("ltm")
> dat= #some data frame or matrix
> r.ltm(r('dat~z1'))
> error coming is---
> RPy_RException: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'dat' not found
> Please tell me the right way to call ltm function using rpy library

Your problem is that the 'dat' object is in the Python world but not in
the R world. However, the expression r('dat~z1') is looking for a 'dat'
object in the R world. So you must copy the Python object to the R

I don't know if this will work in rpy, but it does work in rpy2. Rpy2
has much better possibilities than rpy. But just try it:

r['=']('dat', dat)
Piet van Oostrum <>
PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

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