On Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:45:32 AM UTC+1, jkn wrote:
> Hi all
>     I have to write python code which must run on an old version of
> python (v2.4) as well as a newer (v2.7). I am using pylint and would
> like to check if is possible to check with pylint the use of operators
> etc. which are not present in 2.4; the ternary operator springs to
> mind.
> I haven't found anything in pylint which indicates it can do this sort
> of check; am I missing anything? Other suggestions for this kind of
> checking welcome.


there is no such checker in pylint yet, though it should be fairly easy to 
build one. The longer part being to identify all constructs that should be 
detected and their representation in the ast. Then pylint checkers are simple 
visitors. You'll get some help from the project mailing list 
(python-proje...@lists.logilab.org) if you go that way.



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