To all those that replied - thank you. I solved the problem I posted earlier. I'm embarrassed to admit that it was caused by the following: ... while 1: ## wait for a connection try: #...waiting for connection (client, address)=sa.accept() except sa.timeout: <--------------there is no such exception for a socket! #...waiting for connection timeout continue except: continue ## for now ignore this! ...
There is no "timeout exception" on a socket so the exception was failing. I don't remember where I read about it, but now I cannot find such an exception...I guess I dreamt it up :-) However some of my questions still remain from earlier post: (1) What is the difference between / how should they be used? - setdefaulttimeout(timeout) - settimeout(value) (2)Does one have to do a socket.shutdown() before one does a socket.close?? Again thanks! pete --