On 01/05/2013 01:25 PM, Asim wrote:
> Hi All
> The following reduce expression checks if every element of list lst1 is 
> present in list lst2.  It works as expected for integer lists but for lists 
> of strings, it always returns False.
>    reduce( lambda x,y: (x in lst2) and (y in lst2), lst1)
> Moreover, for the lists of strings the following for-loop gives correct 
> results when the above reduce expression doesn't.
>    isSublist = True
>    for i in lst1:
>       isSublist = isSublist and (i in lst2)
>       if not isSublist:
>          isSublist = False
>          break
> Can someone help me understand why?
> Asim
reduce only makes sense if the value you're reducing to is of the same
type as the elements of the list you're iterating over.  Since your
lambda expression returns a boolean (True or False), it'll seem to work
on some lists of ints.  That's just a coincidence since the bools are
compatible with ints, and maybe you've got a 0 or 1 in the list.  But if
your list has only strings, then True will never be that list.

If you're trying to make a faster loop, then I suggest you look into set
differences.  Turn both lists into sets, and subtract them.   Something
like (untested):

   result =  not bool( set(lst1) - set(lst2) )




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