Erik Myllymaki wrote:
> I am trying to start and stop a service with python. This used to work 
> on an NT box but not on this 2003 server machine. (note- using "net stop 
> myService" and net start myService" from the command line works just 
> fine). The event viewer does tell me that a "Start command was sent to 
> myService" but the service never starts.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> import win32serviceutil
> def service_control(service,action,machine=''):
>     if action == 'stop':
>         try:
>             win32serviceutil.StopService(service, machine)
>             return('%s stopped successfully' % service)
>         except:
>             return ("Error stopping %s" % (service))
>     elif action == 'start':
>         try:
>             win32serviceutil.StartService(service, machine)
>             return('%s started successfully' % service)
>         except:
>             return ("Error starting %s" % (service))
>     elif action == 'restart':
>         try:
>             win32serviceutil.RestartService(service, machine)
>             return('%s restarted successfully' % service)
>         except:
>             return ("Error restarting %s" % (service))
>     elif action == 'status':
>         if win32serviceutil.QueryServiceStatus(service, machine)[1] == 4:
>             return("%s is running normally" % service)
>         else:
>             return("%s is *not* running" % service)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     machine = ''
>     service = 'myService'
>     action = 'start'
>     print    service_control(service,action,machine)

Answering my own question - seems to work i you do not specify machine name:


instead of

win32serviceutil.StartService(service, machine)

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