OK, thank you all for your help yesterday! Here's where we are today (using python 3.3.0)
He has everything running well except for the final calculations - he needs to be able to total the number of rooms in the hotel, as well as the number of occupied rooms. We have tried several different things and can't come up with a successful command. Any help you can give will be much appreciated!! Here's what he's got: #This program will calculate the occupancy rate of a hotel floor_number = 0 rooms_on_floor = 0 occupied_rooms = 0 total_rooms = 0 total_occupied = 0 number_of_floors = int(input("How many floors are in the hotel?: ")) while number_of_floors < 1: print ("Invalid input! Number must be 1 or more") number_of_floors = int(input("Enter the number of floors in the hotel: ")) for i in range(number_of_floors): floor_number = floor_number + 1 print() print ("For floor #",floor_number) rooms_on_floor = int(input("How many rooms are on the floor ?: " )) while rooms_on_floor < 10: print ("Invalid input! Number must be 10 or more") rooms_on_floor = int(input("Enter the number of rooms on floor: ")) occupied_rooms = int(input("How many rooms on the floor are occupied?: ")) #CALCULATE OCCUPANCY RATE FOR FLOOR occupancy_rate = occupied_rooms / rooms_on_floor print ("The occupancy rate for this floor is ",occupancy_rate) #CALCULATE OCCUPANCY RATE FOR HOTEL print() total_rooms = sum(rooms_on_floor) #DOESN'T WORK! total_occupied = sum(occupied_rooms) #DOESN'T WORK! hotel_occupancy = total_occupied / total_rooms vacant_rooms = total_rooms - total_occupied print ("The occupancy rate for this hotel is ",hotel_occupancy) print ("The total number of rooms at this hotel is ",total_rooms) print ("The number of occupied rooms at this hotel is ",total_occupied) print ("The number of vacant rooms at this hotel is ",vacant_rooms) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list