On 12/25/2012 04:42 PM, Rick Johnson wrote: > With that accurate definition in mind you can now understand how > Python classes CAN and DO have variables, just as Python modules have > variables; psst: they're called "global variables"!
Nice ascii graphic, but citation needed. What CS text book are you quoting from? > Now, whilst i don't believe we should haphazardly re-define the > definition of CS terms (or worse, re-invent the wheel by inventing > new terms when perfectly good terms exist) I DO believe we should > interpret these terms in their current context. Good to have you back, Rick. I think. Sounds like you need to go back and review your computer language theory CS class that you took in University if you want to appeal to authority and definitions. I was taught very clearly what Dennis articulated. We spent about 2 weeks going over the difference between variables, names of variables, binding, and passing. And implementing everything in Scheme. Good days. And we reviewed that again in my computer algorithms class. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list