3463 W Gary Sokolich 801 Kings Road Newport Beach, CA 92663-5715 (949) 650-5379 Local PD 949-644-3681
Residence: 1029 S Point View St Los Angeles CA 90035 (310) 650-5379 and 5309 Victoria Ave., Los Angeles, CA, 90043 http://web.archive.org/web/20080821231423/http://www.tbpe.state.tx.us/da/da022808.htm TEXAS BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS February 28, 2008 Board Meeting Disciplinary Actions W. Gary Sokolich , Newport Beach, California – File B-29812 - It was alleged that. Sokolich unlawfully offered or attempted to practice engineering in Texas (...) Sokolich chose to end the proceedings by signing a Consent Order that was accepted by the Board to cease and desist from representing himself as an “Engineer” in Texas, from any and all representations that he can offer or perform engineering services and from the actual practice of engineering in Texas (...) Sokolich was also assessed a $1,360.00 administrative penalty. _______________ http://articles.latimes.com/1988-04-14/local/me-1922_1_ucla-researcher A former UCLA employee has agreed to provide copies of his research to the school to settle a lawsuit the university filed against him in 1985, lawyers in the case said. (...) The University of California Board of Regents filed a $620,000 lawsuit against Sokolich, accusing him of taking research on the hearing capabilities of animals in June, 1982. Sokolich was dismissed by UCLA (...). (...) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list