On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Pierre Quentel
<pierre.quen...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> By the way, what is Brython actually doing when you append a child to
>> the document itself like that?  Usually I would expect a div to be
>> appended to the body or to another div.  The above looks like it would
>> attach the new div as a sibling of the html element.  Or is it just
>> calling document.write()?
> dom_elt <= obj actually adds one or several DOM nodes (it depends of the 
> class of obj) to the DOM node represented by dom_elt. It's difficult to 
> explain all the cases here, you would have to take a look at the code in 
> py_dom.js, but <= and + work on the DOM tree, there is no document.write 
> anywhere

Thanks, I found my answer in the source: doc <= element basically
calls document.body.appendChild(element)

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