John Machin wrote: > Peter Hansen wrote: [sample code] > Ummm ... doesn't appear to scale well for multiple modules and multiple > attributes & functions.
It certainly wouldn't! :-) I was posting mainly to elicit more information, since clearly you wouldn't get far hardcoding all the names you were interested in. (It's hard to judge a poster's level of expertise in Python without any example code from him. That makes it too likely to go way above the head of the poster, and possibly provide a much more complex solution than he really needs.) > Try something like this (mostly tested): > > modules = ['foomod', 'barmod', 'brentstr', 'zotmod'] > attrs = ['att1', 'att2', 'att3', 'MyString'] > funcs = ['fun1', 'fun2', 'fun3'] > # the above could even be read from file(s) > for modname in modules: > try: > mod = __import__(modname) > except ImportError: > print "module", modname, "not found" > continue > for attrname in attrs: > try: > attr = getattr(mod, attrname) > except AttributeError: > print "module %s has no attribute named %s" % \ > (modname, attrname) > continue > # check that attr is NOT a function (maybe) > for funcname in funcs: > pass > # similar to above but check that it IS a function Of course, one could simply hand the man a complete answer... ;-) -Peter --