dgcosgr...@gmail.com writes:

> Hi Iam just starting out with python...My code below changes the txt
> file into a list and add them to an empty dictionary and print how
> often the word occurs, but it only seems to recognise and print the
> last entry of the txt file. Any help would be great.
> tm =open('ask.txt', 'r')
> dict = {}
> for line in tm:
>       line = line.strip()
>       line = line.translate(None, '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~')
>       line = line.lower()
>       list = line.split(' ')
> for word in list:     
>               if word in dict:
>                       count = dict[word]
>                       count += 1
>                       dict[word] = count
> else:
>       dict[word] = 1
> for word, count in dict.iteritems():
>       print word + ":" + str(count)

The "else" clause is mis-indented (rather, mis-unindented).

Python's "for" statement does have an optional "else" clause. That's
why you don't get a syntax error. The "else" clause is used after the
loop finishes normally. That's why it catches the last word.

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