On 12/13/2012 3:09 PM, MRAB wrote:
On 2012-12-13 19:37, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
Hi folks, I swear I used to know this but can't find it anywhere:

What's the standard idiom for unpacking the first few items of an
iterable whose total length is unknown?

An hinted by some of the answers, this is not a complete specification.

Something like

a, b, c, _ = myiterable

where _ could eat up a variable number of items, in case I'm only
interested in the first 3 items?

The literal answer given by demian, a,b,c,*_=iterable, has some good uses but fails on an infinite iterable, and otherwise exhausts iterators and creates a potentially long sequence that, by the specification, is not needed. Mitya's alternative of slicing, seq[:3] requires a directly sliceable sequence rather than just an iterable.

You could do this:

from itertools import islice
a, b, c = islice(myiterable, 3)

This works for any iterable and the only discarded temporary is a sequence of three items (needed so either all bindings work or none are made).

If you want to bind a default values if iterable has less than 3 values, one way is

>>> a,b,c = itertools.islice(itertools.chain(itertools.islice((1,2), 3), [None]*3), 3)
>>> a,b,c
(1, 2, None)

Perhaps clearer is

>>> a,b,c = [None]*3
>>> it = iter((1,2))
>>> try:
        a = next(it)
        b = next(it)
        c = next(it)
except StopIteration:

>>> a,b,c
(1, 2, None)

This has the advantage that if iterable has more than 3 items, 'it' is available to iterate over the rest. This is the standard idiom for removing a couple of special items before iterating over the remainder (when one does not want the remainder as a concrete list).

Terry Jan Reedy


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