Thanks. At a glance, that looks like it's what I'm looking for.


TechBookReport wrote:
> Lowell Kirsh wrote:
>> Is there a module or library anyone knows of that will print html code 
>> indented? What I'd like would be for a function or class which works 
>> like this:
>> htmlIndent(sys.stdout, '<html><head>foobar</head>...')
>> and will print somethinkg like this to stdout:
>> <html>
>>   <head>
>>     foobar
>>   </head>
>>   ...
>> My current way of doing this kind of stuff is less than ideal and will 
>> write such a function if it doesn't exist.
>> Thanks,
>> Lowell
> There are lots of HTML pretty printers around, but for starters take a 
> look at this:
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