On 11/12/2012 00:04, Anatoli Hristov wrote:
Hi all,
I'm facing an issue inserting an html code into the DB, it comes out
with a syntax error but I face it only when I have html code. Could
help me escape the error somehow ?
Here is my code
def InsertSpecsDB(product_id, spec, lang, name):
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","getit","opencart")
cursor = db.cursor()
sql = ("INSERT INTO product_description (product_id, language_id,
name, description) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')")
params = (product_id, lang, name, spec)
cursor.execute(sql, params)
id = cursor.lastrowid
print"Updated ID %s description %s" %(int(id), lang)
return id
As much use as a chocolate teapot, all you've given is a function/method
definition. No indication of your OS, Python version, calling code,
what you expect to happen, what actually happened, apart from that your
request for assistance is perfect. Usually I'd be able to help but
sadly my crystal ball is in for repairs at the moment. Would you please
be kind enough to elucidate.
Mark Lawrence.