On 06/12/2012 07:21, Oltmans wrote:
Hi guys,
I've to deal with CSVs that look like following
CSV (with one header and 3 legit rows where each legit row has 3 columns)
Some info
Date: 12/6/2012
Author: Some guy
Total records: 100
header1, header2, header3
one, two, three
one, "Python is great, so are other languages, isn't ?", three
one, two, 'some languages, are realyl beautiful\r\n, I really cannot deny \n
this \t\t\t fact. \t\t\t\tthis fact alone is amazing'
So inside this CSV, there will always be bad lines like the top 4 (they could
end up in the beginning, in the middle and even in the last). So above sample,
csv has 3 legit lines and a header. I want to read those three lines and here
is a regex that I came up with (which clearly isn't working)
#print line
pattern = r"([^\t]+\t|,+)"
matches = re.match(pattern, line)
Do you've any better ideas guys? I will really appreciate all help.
I'd simply use the csv module from the standard library to read your
files, discarding anything that you regard as bad. I'd certainly not
use a regex for this.
Mark Lawrence.