On 12/4/2012 3:44 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
If the original string has no excess whitespace, description is what
remains of s after product prefix is omitted. (Py 3 code)
from itertools import takewhile
def allcaps(word): return word == word.upper()
def split_product_itertools(s):
product = ' '.join(takewhile(allcaps, s.split()))
return product, s[len(product)+1:]
print(split_product_itertools("CAPSICUM RED fresh from QLD"))
('CAPSICUM RED', 'fresh from QLD')
Without that assumption, the same idea applies to the split list.
def split_product_itertools(s):
words = s.split()
product = list(takewhile(allcaps, words))
return ' '.join(product), ' '.join(words[len(product):])
Because these slice rather than index, either works trivially on an
empty description.
print(split_product_itertools("CAPSICUM RED"))
Terry Jan Reedy