My first thought is "make sure that subclassing str is really what you want to do." Here is a place where I have a subclass of str that really is a special kind of str:
class PaddedStr(str): def __new__(cls,s,l,padc=' '): if l > len(s): s2 = "%s%s" % (s,padc*(l-len(s))) return str.__new__(str,s2) else: return str.__new__(str,s) print ">%s<" % PaddedStr("aaa",10) print ">%s<" % PaddedStr("aaa",8,".") (When subclassing str, you have to call str.__new__ from your subclass's __new__ method, since str's are immutable. Don't forget that __new__ requires a first parameter which is the input class. I think the rest of my example is pretty self-explanatory.) But if you are subclassing str just so that you can easily print your objects, look at implementing the __str__ instance method on your class. Reserve inheritance for true "is-a" relationships. Often, inheritance is misapplied when the designer really means "has-a" or "is-implemented-using-a", and in these cases, the supposed superclass is better referenced using a member variable, and delegating to it. -- Paul --