On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 6:02 PM, <ru...@yahoo.com> wrote: > On 11/13/2012 11:02 PM, Chris Angelico wrote: >> To be more accurate: This is deprecated *by members of* this list. As >> there is no commanding/controlling entity here, it's up to each >> individual to make a decision - for instance, abusive users get >> killfiled rather than banned. The use of Google Groups to post is >> deprecated in the original sense of the word: strongly disapproved of. > > s/deprecated *by members of*/deprecated *by some members of*/ > > (and accuracy could probably be increased further by replacing > "some" with "a few".)
I stand by what I said. Members, plural, of this list. I didn't say "all members of", ergo the word "some" is superfluous, yet not needful, as Princess Ida put it. In any case, the fact remains that a number of this list's best responders have killfiled Google Groups posters as a whole. Consequently, GG forces you to go to quite a bit of extra work AND prevents your message from getting through to everyone. Why go to extra work to get a worse result? I am therefore not going to recommend Google Groups to anyone as a means of posting to python-list/c.l.p, any more than I would recommend writing it on a Post-It note and feeding it into your floppy drive. ChrisA -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list