Hey, folks, me again! I've been puzzling over this for a while now: I'm trying 
to write data to a file to save the state of my game using the following 
function: def save_game():
    #open a new empty shelve (possibly overwriting an old one) to write the 
game data
    file_object = open('savegame.sav', 'wb')
    file['map'] = map
    file['objects'] = objects
    file['player_index'] = objects.index(player)  #index of player in objects 
    file['inventory'] = inventory
    file['game_msgs'] = game_msgs
    file['game_state'] = game_state
    file['stairs_index'] = objects.index(stairs)
    file['dungeon_level'] = dungeon_level
    file.close() However, while 'savegame.sav' is created in the directory I 
specify, the function dies on file['map'] = map.  This is the end of the stack 
  File "C:\Python Project\Roguelike.py", line 966, in save_game
    file['map'] = map
TypeError: 'type' object does not support item assignment Now, the map is 
randomly generated -- could that be an issue? Should I just scrap the current 
system and use pickle?                                    

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