[Guy Lateur] | | | [TJG] | | What -- from your point of view -- is an "application"? | | Good question. Let me try to elaborate: I would like to know | if people in | our company (building techniques) are using non-licensed software (eg | Photoshop, Office, AutoCad). So I guess by 'application' I | mean commercial software packages like those.
Hmmm. While I understand your requirement, it's not as thought there's some easily-discernible charactersistics of "commercial software packages which should have licenses but which don't" unless you're prepared to compile a list and to add to it over time. | Is it safe to assume those apps get listed in AppPath? I wouldn't have said so: AppPaths is basically useful if you want to be able to go Start > Run > blah.exe without having to hunt through "Program Files" etc. Since many apps simply set up a Start Menu shortcut, there's no need for this. | Just out of curiosity: can one read the info/list one gets in | Add/Remove | Programs? It's not a problem I get results that aren't | actually apps, but it | is important I get all apps. I honestly don't know: I imagine Googling around will give some hits (for the question in general and for Add/Remove in particular): it can hardly be an unheard of issue. If someone's solved it in one way, it's almost certainly possible to translate that to Python (or to use their tool, if it's accessible). I have an idea it's held in the registry, but I'm not sure. You could try running up regedit and searching for likely strings. By the sound of it, you're almost better off compiling a list of .exe from machines and building up a blacklist from those. TJG ________________________________________________________________________ This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star. The service is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit: http://www.star.net.uk ________________________________________________________________________ -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list