On 11/06/2012 06:35 AM, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
> In general, people don't use element multiplication (that I have
*ever* seen) to make lists where all elements of the outer most list
point to the same sub-*list* by reference. The most common use of the
multiplication is to fill an array with a constant, or short list of
constants; Hence, almost everyone has to work around the issue as
the initial poster did by using a much longer construction.
That's what I have seen as well. I've never seen an example where
someone wanted this behaviour.
> The most compact notation in programming really ought to reflect the
most *commonly* desired operation. Otherwise, we're really just
making people do extra typing for no reason.
It's not so much the typing as the fact that this a common gotcha.
Apparently many people expect different behaviour here. I seem to
remember finding this surprising at first.
:) That's true as well.
> Further, list comprehensions take quite a bit longer to run than low
level copies; by a factor of roughly 10. SO, it really would be worth
implementing the underlying logic -- even if it wasn't super easy.
> I really don't think doing a shallow copy of lists would break
anyone's program.
> The non-list elements, whatever they are, can be left as reference
copies -- but any element which is a list ought to be shallow copied.
The behavior observed in the opening post where modifying one element
of a sub-list, modifies all elements of all sub-lists is never desired
as far as I have ever witnessed.
It is a semantic change that would, I imagine, break many things in
subtle ways.
?? Do you have any guesses, how ?
> The underlying implementation of Python can check an object type
trivially, and the only routine needed is a shallow list copy. So, no
it really isn't a complicated operation to do shallow copies of lists.
Yes but if you're inspecting the object to find out whether to copy it
what do you test for? If you check for a list type what about
subclasses? What if someone else has a custom list type that is not a
subclass? Should there be a dunder method for this?
No dunder methods. :)
Custom non-subclass list types aren't a common usage for list
multiplication in any event.
At present one has to do list comprehensions for that, and that would
simply remain so.
Subclasses, however, are something I hadn't considered...
I don't think it's such a simple problem.
You made a good point, Oscar; I'll have to think about the subclassing a