-- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
Anybody know of the appropriate place to troll and flame about various
Python related issues? I'm kind of mad about some Python stuff and I
need a place to vent where people may or may not listen, but at at least
respond. Thought this would be a strange question, but I might as well
start somewhere.
- Proper place for everything Jason Benjamin
- Re: Proper place for everything Robert Kern
- Re: Proper place for everything Tim Golden
- Re: Proper place for everything Alister
- Re: Proper place for everything Ulrich Eckhardt
- Re: Proper place for everything Jason Benjamin
- Re: Proper place for everything Tim Golden
- Re: Proper place for everything Jason Benjamin
- Re: Proper place for everything Jason Benjamin
- Re: Proper place for everything Tim Golden
- Re: Proper place for everything Jason Benjamin