On 22 Jun 2005 14:09:42 -0700,
"Eloff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[Paul Rubin]

>> You're doing what every serious database implementation needs to do ...
>> Are you sure you don't want to just use an RDBMS?

> It was considered, but we decided that abstracting the data into
> tables to be manipulated with SQL queries is substantially more
> complex for the programmer and way too expensive to the system since
> the average action would require 20-100 queries.

Obviously, I only know what you've told us about your data, but 20-100
queries?  That doesn't sound right.  I know that I have often thought
that my data and its structure were complex, but then ended up with a
fairly straightforward table structure and pretty small queries.  With
the right set of tables and a strategically placed view or two, IMO you
shouldn't need that many queries.  As Paul noted, RDBMSes are well-
studied and well-understood; they are also extremely powerful when used
to their potential.


Dan Sommers

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